Hanging out on the line. Posted by Picasa


The turmoil that kept me from posting for awhile has resolved itself. The result is that Justin and I are coming (or 'going'--depending upon the perspective of the reader) home!

Justin's last actual day in the office will be next Thursday and then he'll have a few weeks of holiday time. I will work through the end of my contract, March 31. We haven't decided if we're up for travelling or sightseeing before we leave, but plan to be back in California by mid-late April.

After a dry February, we've had some beautiful rain in the past few days, which--in combination with Justin's work situation finally being resolved, after a fashion--has made me very happy. There will be some busy getting-everything-done days ahead which may not be entirely relaxing, but overall the mood in our house is lifting.

We're getting back to what we do so well--anticipating the future: moving, starting over, doing new things. Our moves are sort of a theme with variations, or maybe variations with common threads connecting them. After leaving the Solomons, we re-visited Eritrea and re-settled in Ithaca. From there, we re-settled in California, but in an area we hadn't lived in before. When we came to Australia, we were coming back to the Southern Hemisphere, back to work not unlike Peace Corps work, but in the familiarity of an industrialized country with an anglo-celtic heritage. Now we return to California, to another city we haven't lived in, but very near to our siblings and not too far from our parents. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue....

Another day I'll list the things I'm looking forward to (Mom, is it too early to start planting tomatoes?) and the things I'll miss about this life that I'm leaving here.