Farewell pizza

Send-off for S & E, with other linguists.

Home Sweet Oakland

We're back from our trip up north, where we visited friends in Seattle and Portland. When I got back from Mexico, was fortunate enough to visit with S & E and watch the excitement of packing for an international flight that would take them home to a new life together in Australia.

The following day, Justin & I flew up north. It feels that I have been on the move, both physically and mentally, for longer than the month that it has been. Of course I'm still in the middle of the whirlwind; many changes are still afoot as Justin starts his first semester of full-time graduate study at Cal and I figure out what I'm going to do for income next.

If the four photos included here are not enough for you, check here to see all my photos of Mexico. I've labelled them, but didn't sort through to select only the best so there's kind of a lot to slog through. Sorry!