First Day in CA

From just behind Forest's house in Berkeley, we walked up a beautiful hill with panoramic views of the area.
We walked through stands of these huge old eucalyptus trees which filled the air with their unique aroma. These are a different type from any of the many varieties that grew in the Katherine region, but I felt like I was meeting these old familiar trees with a new understanding of their homeland.

This picture proves that I am here, but unfortunately does little justice to the actual view, due to the back-lighting situation. We could see San Francisco, with the Golden Gate Bridge stretching to the right and the Bay Bridge coming toward us, a string of tiny shiny cars sparkling like a diamond necklace. Further to the left we could see downtown Oakland and the hills just visible beyond. The top of the hill we were on was covered with bright green grass and full of birds singing. Absolutely lovely.

As for city life, it is pretty overwhelming to see so many people and so much activity. Just as small towns like Katherine have their charms and challenges, so too do cities, and right now the challenge for us is not to go into sensory overload!

1 comment:

Sophie said...

It sounds lovely! The only time I can ever remember feeling physical 'culture shock' was going straight to Darwin after being in Ngukurr for a few months- and not only that but out to a nice pub with some lawyer mob- the sensory overload was just too much, and I had to leave almost immidiately (all the people and music and lights where making me feel dizzy and sick)- and everyone talking so much... but it must be a different story being with you family :)