A Bit of Inspiration In Case You Weren't Excited Enough

I was just thinking about what I'm going to do in classes after the inauguration, so I was looking through some Obama speeches that I'd saved on my computer. I'm pasting below part of the speech Obama gave in Berlin, Germany on July 24, 2008.

People of Berlin - people of the world - this is our moment. This is our time.

I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions.

But I also know how much I love America. I know that for more than two centuries, we have strived - at great cost and great sacrifice - to form a more perfect union; to seek, with other nations, a more hopeful world. Our allegiance has never been to any particular tribe or kingdom - indeed, every language is spoken in our country; every culture has left its imprint on ours; every point of view is expressed in our public squares. What has always united us - what has always driven our people; what drew my father to America's shores - is a set of ideals that speak to aspirations shared by all people: that we can live free from fear and free from want; that we can speak our minds and assemble with whomever we choose and worship as we please.

People of Berlin - and people of the world - the scale of our challenge is great. The road ahead will be long. But I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom. We are a people of improbable hope. With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again.


Anonymous said...

Even this grumpy old math teacher is giving up math on Tuesday! And I will read this speech to my classes also!

Catalin said...

Oh, good for you! Do you teach between 9 and 11? You could show part of it on TV. I have a handout where students make predictions of what Obama will talk about in his speech and then take notes on what his major themes are. Let me know if you want me to email it to you.

Isn't this a great speech? I mean, so many of them are, but I found this one is concise and inspiring.

Man, I can't believe this is really happening. I've been choked up all day listening to NPR.