We had a brief but lovely visit with Steven last weekend. If anyone's looking for an excuse to go to Sweden, Steven and Ronald will be opening a B&B later this year and it's sure to be great! It's in the southwestern corner of Sweden, in a small village in the countryside, and not far from the beaches. (Yeah, we don't really think of going to Sweden for the beaches, but apparently the Norwegians do.)
Today I went on a Mother's Day walk along the Coastal Trail in San Francisco with F, C, and my parents. In the beginning it was a little cold and foggy, but was really beautiful and warm by the time we were walking back. We walked from above Sutro Baths to Eagle's Point (not far from China Beach in the Seacliff neighborhood), about 3.5 miles round trip, according to a site I just looked at. It's a really beautiful and easy walk, and I highly recommend it.
On their way out of town, I took my parents to check out the Albany Bulb, for a different type of walking along the bay. We just visited the main northern gallery, but also came across a small skate park that has been constructed on the Bulb which I hadn't seen before. It was just a simple bowl with a small hillock in the middle (I'm sure skateboarders have different names for these things), all concrete. We watched two skaters take turns. Both were in their twenties, one long-haired and loose-limbed with a graceful but kind of goofy style. The other was short-haired, with a more assertive style. Each would take the space to try a move, and then stop and let the other have the space. I love the politeness of turn taking among skaters, and how it's just unspoken. Obviously you'd want to keep going, but you don't because you understand that you have to share. I am always mesmerized by watching skaters, but soon we moved on to the sculptures.
I know I've posted a picture of this sculpture before, but this one has my cute parents in it, so I have to include it here.
We walked out, they drove me to El Cerrito BART, and we each headed in our opposite directions. Both the places we went today are so easy to get to, and so spectacular, it's really ridiculous that I don't go more often. It was nice to have Mother's Day as an impetus for a couple of nice outings!
Eyal and I always knew that it would be difficult building a family from
two different countries. It is just now, however, that we have to really
put that ...
13 years ago
looks like a lovely sojourn, cat. as often as i've been to the bay area i've never explored it.
i've been to sweden a couple of times and yes they have beaches but not the kind we think of. i remember anna and i in downtown stockholm on a lovely warm day. the temp i think was in the mid-70 and that is a bloody heatwave in sweden. we bought and ate some snacks around a large fountain surrounded by local swedes were were sweating, soaking up the ray and cooling off their toes in the fountain water. it was funny for us considering that in sac mid-70s is just perfect, not too hot, but in sweden oh man it was hot!!!
Bo, I love your story about Sweden. Isn't it funny that members of the same species can get so adjusted to a particular temperature range? After spending time in the tropics, I got where anything under about 79 Fahrenheit seemed cold.
Were you referring to not having been out along the SF coast west of GG Bridge or Albany Bulb or both? Maybe you should trek down here and we should go out to the Bulb. I think you would really dig it!
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